Winter Recharge

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

Winter is the perfect time for inward reflection, rest, recharge, and restoration.


This season corresponds to the direction North; the darkest direction, to midnight, and the energy is cold, dark, and still. When we become still, we obtain a deeper awareness of ourselves without distortion. Winter is a good time for self-reflection and meditation, from which wisdom can emerge. When we become still and go within, we can reflect upon our life and prepare for new growth ahead in the springtime.

Body Care Tips for the Winter Season:

Take Time to Replenish: Listen to your body and take time to replenish your reserves. Winter is a time to recharge and take time to go within. Get plenty of

rest time and sleep.

Nourish Yourself: Nourish yourself with warm food and beverages. Drink plenty of room temperature or warm water, no iced beverages. Eat warming foods such as root vegetables, whole grains, and small amounts of meat or fish protein.

If you are a vegetarian eat more beans, nuts, and tempeh. Add extra oil to your

diet like flaxseed oil or avocados.

Keep Warm: Prepare for the weather and dress accordingly. Keep yourself well covered when out of doors. The neck, shoulders, abdomen, and on the back around the kidneys are more sensitive to cold and wind.


The element of water is connected to this time of year. Water is the key component to life and continued growth. Staying hydrated is crucial; our body weight is 60% water. As we age we lose water, and our bodies begin to dry out. This can be reflected in our bones and hair, which become more brittle, and our skin loses its youthful elasticity.

If you experience headaches, muscle cramps, reduced sweating, reduced urination, constipation, or overheating you could be dehydrated. Women generally need, on average, nine cups (or more during nursing), of water a day, and men need up to thirteen cups a day. There are variations to these amounts depending on the climate and altitude where you live and your daily activity.

Other physical challenges that can occur if this element is weak:

Lower back pain, chronic or acute.

Knee pain and weakness.

Bone, teeth, and hearing issues.

Problems with urinary retention.

Vertigo or dizziness.

A weakness of vitality.

Winter Emotion

Fear is the emotion associated with the winter season. Healthily, fear is an emotion that moves and directs us to remain alert and attentive to our surroundings and situation. When confronted with danger, constructive fear can guide us with a message of caution and restraint and fill us with a sense of readiness and courage to face whatever situation life might present.


Fortunately, this season encourages the ability to listen deeply within ourselves. When we are healthy we engage in a robust response to life,

neither by running away (excess fear) nor by reckless attacking (lack of fear).


The beneficial energy of this season can generate persistence, will, and diligence to go through the darkest and most challenging of times.

“If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?” Confucius

Wintertime is also the perfect time for aromatherapy baths. Need ideas for bath blends?